I know this task sounds easy but there have been many times where at Roots we can see our customers’ faces light up as they look at the menu and then all of a sudden they get a bit of stage fright.
First things first, every bowl is a good bowl, we aren’t here to judge your super rogue choices. Here at Roots, we support adventurous tastebuds! We are here to help so don’t be afraid to ask what a goji berry is, or if you want to have a gawk at the cacao nibs we can totally arrange that for you. All we want for our customers is for the experience to be as enjoyable as possible and that includes the ordering process!
Now another thing we need to address is the pronunciation of Acai, again, not to worry, this is a learning experience so sit back and enjoy the journey. So we have heard many renditions of the word Acai, a personal fan favourite was hearing someone once order a bowl of Ikea. It’s a tricky word, we get it, so let’s do this together,
step 1. Breathe in
step 2. Focus
step 3. AH SIGH EE.
There you go, you have mastered one of our favourite words, gold star for you my dear. Alongside our Acai, we have our gorgeous Dragon Fruit, A.k.a, Pitaya, but we can all agree that one is a little bit easier to pronounce.
Now furthering our ordering learning experience, you can choose a regular or large bowl, both are packed with bountiful delights that’ll dance across your tastebuds. Our next step in the process is to choose which granola tickles your fancy, crunchy and superseed are our two choices. Packed full of oaty goodness our crunchy granola satisfies a need you never knew existed. Our superseed is for all of our gluten-free lovebugs out there and is voted the mature choice with its array of seeds and dried fruits. Both adding a delightful crackle to your pop these granolas are scooped with care into your methodically selected bowl.
If you have previously found yourself ordering a tooty frooty peng bowl you will have heard the words ‘tings’ and ‘froots’ floating through the air. You’re in luck because you get to pick two of each of these little nuggets of gold. ‘Tings’ – We have looked this word up in the Oxford dictionary and it says, “a sprinkling of magic that only Roots customers get to avail of, they add a pep in your step and a smile to your face”. Wow, they sound amazing, so amazing you get to pick two of them! What consists of a ‘Ting’ you ask? Only the most nutritious ‘Tings’ were picked for our customers, some of these include, Goji berries, Cacao Nibs, Almond Flakes, Desiccated Coconut, and the list goes on so you might as well pop down to us and see for yourself! Alongside our ‘Tings,’ we have our ‘Froots’, we hand pick the best in the land and have them carefully prepared for our customers. From strawberries to bananas, to blueberries and kiwis, we supply the freshest and mouth-watering ‘Froots’ knowing they will soon be placed beautifully on top of our Acai and Pitaya bowls.
Our last question for you is would you like a drizzle fo yo shizzle? Translation incoming: would you like some peanut butter or honey on top of your bowl? Harry’s nut butter is a life-altering experience. Their Pure Peanut Butter is drizzled onto your bowl and oozes through the ‘Froots’ and ‘Tings’ creating a beautiful pool of smooth peanutty goodness that is about to engulf your spoon, get excited, it gets even better. The Coco Buzz is a hazelnutty chocolate endeavor that packs a crunch to your munch, sweet and salty it encapsulates everything good in the world. Of course, for our non-nut lovers, we have some beautiful honey that can be drizzled upon demand and cascade its way through your delightful masterpiece of a bowl.
So now you have the steps to ordering your bowl, be not afraid and go forth into the Roots world and order whatever tickles your fancy.